• Email: info@bodyhealsholistic.com
  • Phone: +234 8161628082, 08067084123

Anti-Stress Therapy

Internal pressures (including negative thoughts, emotions, worry, physiological and metabolic imbalance) and external pressure (including job tasks, work environment, etc.) cause disease. Daily anxiety, rush hours and worries build up with time during the day as do the stress chemicals and hormones like cortisol, which is an anti-inflammatory hormone for dealing with inflammation but becomes over produced and then harmful when stress is sustained. As muscles contract and stiffens under stress, the body cries out for relaxation but don’t get it because of deadlines. A calm state of mind and relaxed muscles is better prepared to tackle tasks and challenges and guarantees effective tasks, assessing the situation with a clear head. Relaxing the body frees tension and improves cognitive and receptive functions of the mind.