Poor quality health services, diagnosis and treatment of symptoms based on erroneous philosophy rather than the cause of the malady as well as treating the disease that has the person instead of treating the person who has the disease are clogs in the wheels of progress on improving health, which leaves patients no option than to seek alternative help since they’re not satisfied. And the growing burden of health care cost due to the overwhelming impacts of chronic disease is a major concern for dwindling economies, which worsens poor nutritional status further affecting recovery from the dis-ease. The increasing incidence of chronic disease is alarming, and virtually every family is affected. Then what do we do? Our proffered and preferred response is to lean on the Word of God: “Is there no Balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?” (Jeremiah 8:22) KJV. We believe that to every problem there is a solution, and the scriptures also provide an insightful answer to our current situation: “Go up into Gilead, and take balm, O virgin, the daughter of Egypt in vain shalt thou use many medicines; for thou shalt not be cured.” (Jeremiah 46:11) KJV. The scriptures guide our right judgment and decision to seek true health and wellness.
We are professionals trained in faith-based holistic health and nutritional consultants vast in knowledge of applications of natural principles to restore and sustain health, and richly endowed in the art and science of healing. We are dedicated to promoting optimum health and wellness by using alternative medicine approach to provide access and support to traditional self-healing for spiritual, mental, emotional and physical development and vitality. With your consent and commitment to take responsibility of your health, we guide you on stimulating your body to heal itself wholly with functional foods, easy-to-do exercises, and simple natural techniques that guarantees living a healthy drug-free life as your body rebuilds to fulfil your wellness dream.
Our mission is to provide information (the truth) and safe protocols for healing the whole human (spirit, soul, and body) without drug to our clients seeking help and guiding them in new holistic ways that are natural to restore metabolic balance and immunity by sharing the secrets of how the body heals itself and building basic health rather than treating disease.
The rate of crime and other social vices increase when people are sick spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. Our vison is to contribute meaningfully to having a healthy disease-free society like paradise on earth where people live long over a century and fulfilled in accomplishing their God-given purpose without depending on drugs.
Consult us today and experience the big difference.
We brings you the latest health news.
First we'll have to understand each of the components of the statement “YOUR TRUE HEALTH”. There're three separate words in the statement I'd want us to examine. 1. YOUR: You Ought Understand Responsibility Responsibility is defined as the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over something or someone (in this case yourself) or the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something.
Consequent upon a sophisticated premise of disease, conventional medical philosophy has not done justice and the needful to resolve the menace of the ravaging pandemic of chronic, degenerative diseases; including diabetes, hypoglycemia, cancer, indigestion, dysbiosis, hypertension, metabolic imbalance, cardiovascular disease, obesity, hyperinsulinaemia, insulin resistance, hyperlipidaemia, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral artery disease, erectile dysfunction, fibroids, hyperactivity disorders, autistic disorders, infertility, stroke, arthritis, and so on.
The said discovery of the Cell by Robert Hooke (from a cork, in 1600s) and Anton Van Leeuwenhoek (from bacteria and protozoa while peeping through his microscope to examine a sample from pond water, in 1674) is a major landmark achievement in science, which laid the foundation for cytology, microbiology, cell biology and genetics.
As we become much more aware and informed of the ravaging effects of chronic, degenerative, non-communicable diseases such as, diabetes, hypertension and cancer, which incidence and prevalence rates take toll after so called communicable diseases, rising exponentially to overwhelm the health budgets,
Our rights to life and absolute freedom from malady hangs on knowing the truth, which can be fully achieved only when we wholly accept personally to take responsibility for ourselves caring for who we are, what we do and what we become, not trusting in anyone else to salvage our hope for a better future.
Our services are based on Faith and Science designed to educate and set you free from the boredom of dis-ease via application of highly researched and developed preventive and curative treatment modalities. Not just you alone, there are millions of people outside there that are fallen but we promise to emancipate every ‘sick’ soul from the bed of ailment using the principles of Nature as inspired by God.