• Email: info@bodyhealsholistic.com
  • Phone: +234 8161628082, 08067084123


Corporate leaders, managers and employees are key players in very high-pressure, energy-sapping environment that require more energy, greater mental focus, and a greater sense of calm. The challenges of this pressure usually affect personal goals to live longer, healthier, and more satisfying life. More often due to the stress, many become fatigued and eventually settle for painkillers like Aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to relieve their pain. And sometimes they overdo or abuse these analgesics and antipyretics with tendency of becoming addicts.

The work environment thus requires persons not only fit for life but also fit for the job tasks. Have you ever had a day when everything goes right? You wake up feeling alert, refreshed and full of energy. You go off to work. At your desk, the solution to a problem that just yesterday seemed insoluble suddenly presents itself out of the thin air. One by one, the tasks of the day surrender to your clear, efficient yet apparently effortless approach. And you’re light on your feet and tireless ready to adjudicate issues with calm and wisdom. And when you get home after speechlessly absorbed the traffic stress unlike the previous days, and the kids are glad to see you and even after dinner, instead of collapsing in front of the TV, you have so much leftover energy that you’re ready to go dancing.

This is the very real state in which your body and mind work together at their ultimate best. Here, the mind is relaxed, yet alert and exquisitely focused while the body is fluid, strong, and apparently indefatigable. It’s almost a euphoric strange calmness- a rare confidence, a real metabolic state in which the body works at peak efficiency with optimal body function, greater energy for physical performance, and improved mental focus and productivity free from hunger. And as we already know that problems will never cease especially a job task, but at this state their solutions become more obvious and fatigue and listlessness are replaced by feelings of surging energy and high competence. The plus may include an automatic fat loss for the overweight staff. This obviously is the wellness dream of every corporate society, organisation, company, individual and ally. Right!?

There is no doubt that a healthy motivated workforce will translate into viable, vibrant, and robust organisation with more efficient and effective delivery of products and services, resulting in better productivity. However, most organisation’s welfare packages lack provision of the ingredients of wellness even when staff are overstretched or stressed out working overtime with little or no compensation. Wellness is superior to any conventional health insurance scheme available because it enhances prevention of deadly disease conditions. Cancer and other chronic diseases are preventable but these ailments are common and ravaging, killing many employees and employers alike.

So far, no Health Management Organisation (HMO) health insurance package is sufficient or suffices to handle common health maters coupled with an inefficient health system; as sophisticated as modern conventional medicine is, it remains a poor substitute for prevention as prevention will always be the best medicine and can only be undertaken by the individual and that includes eating correctly, which is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.


We organise workshops, seminars and trainings on health and wellness to educate corporate bodies, companies and organisations on ways to prevent or reverse chronic lifestyle diseases like arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, cancers, fibroids, etc. We also offer services to provide natural therapies for holistic health and wellness at Bodyheals Holistic & Organics Consult to improve performance and productivity in the workplace thereby reducing the burden of huge health care cost for the organisation, plus lot more benefits including reduced absenteeism to the barest minimum, improved vigour, right attitude to job task, self-motivation and self-confidence.

We look forward to your call. You can book or schedule an appointment with us. God bless you.