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As we become much more aware and informed of the ravaging effects of chronic, degenerative, non-communicable diseases such as, diabetes, hypertension and cancer, which incidence and prevalence rates take toll after so called communicable diseases, rising exponentially to overwhelm the health budgets, man power and infrastructures in place to manage cases across the globe especially in such a time as this when COVID-19 pandemic is rhetorically wrecking economies into recession, one may no longer sit to watch as a keen spectator in the game but rather act as an affected key player on the field of play and without hesitation giving voice to the scriptures joining to ask this pertinent question:


“Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?” (Jeremiah 8:22) KJV


The question asked in the Scriptures is one of many such questions that should concern each and every one willing to take responsibility of their health. It’s quite obvious that many are frustrated and disappointed with the failure in both the health systems and chemical drug therapy to bring them the desired hope or expected solutions to the problems of their health challenge like the biblical woman of the issue of blood who had suffered many things of many physicians, and spent all that she had to no avail yet her problem persisted until she met the bearer of the truth, the way and life- Jesus.


And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment:”

                                                                                                                (Mathew 9:20) KJV

“And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, And had suffered many things of many physicians, and spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse,”

                                                                                                               (Mark 5:25-26) KJV

“And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any,”

                                                                                                          (Luke 8:43) KJV


This pathetic agonizing story of the woman with the issue of blood and how she received her healing meeting Jesus after spending all that she had upon physicians without getting healed is an attribute of the advice and warnings of the Creator to mankind, which fairly describes the concerns and conditions of many persons desperately in need of healing who have used all sorts of drugs and devices without success.

Lots of persons are faced with various health challenges tending to impoverish them of their health and wealth. These conditions affect victims spiritually, mentally, physically and socioeconomically. They’re often non-communicable but their effect on the immune system may progressively degenerate the body to a point where infections overwhelm the body. The lack of adequate nutrition compromises the proper functioning of the body particularly the immune response. For example, women may have challenge with vaginal infections that are really not due to carelessness or not being hygienic so to speak but due to malnutrition.

The presence of an infection strongly suggests a compromised immunity not necessarily due to the presence of the pathogen or opportunistic organism but rather due to the imbalance in the function and/or form that have provided the enabling environment for the microbes to thrive and in such compromised situation, the immune system’s response becomes aggressive and offensive with symptomatic outcome. There are many factors which may be responsible for the various infections and discharge. However, there are guides on how to prevent or cure these infections without antibiotics.

Many hygienically sound or hygiene-conscious women still fall prey and victim to vaginal infection and discharge. This condition is really a burden to women and men alike, especially when it comes with discomfort: It affects the life of the woman when it becomes irritating and itching coupled with an offensive discharge among others. It might affect reproduction causing infertility or even cancer if not treated or properly managed. The consequences are huge and includes impact on the economy, high morbidity and mortality rate as well as broken marriages.

Our perception of "infection" is fundamentally flawed regarding how we treat or manage such condition. The understanding that microbes are responsible for virtually every disease of man have left us in the dark ages of antibiotics abuse. Before the advent of probiotics, our microscopic view of microorganisms always has been from a negative perspective of causing disease as propounded by the germ theory, and so, we often assemble a battery of antibiotics to get rid of these supposedly pathogens but, unknown to us that we’re also destroying our microbiota (the normal microbial flora or resident bacteria that are beneficial to our health) and indirectly killing the human body.

However, the current theories on probiotics has challenged the previous beliefs declaring microbes as beneficial and friendly not just a foe. In the light of this novel discovery, the human gut has been considered as a unique organ with a preserved function similar to that of the human brain depending on the quality and balance in the composition of the resident microflora, which have been shown to prime our immune system, assist in digestion of food, providing essential nutrients, such as, vitamins, etc. to such an extent that our health benefits immensely and is said to be intertwined with this normal flora. Thus a healthy gut would mean a healthy body. The importance is highly significant in the Hippocratic quote:

“Death sits in the bowel and bad digestion is the root of all evil.”

According to Swidsinski et al., (2016. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 39:67-75) each time we employ the service of antibiotics to treat an infection, the drug affects the diversity of the colonic microbiome and reduces the total number of bacteria to a point that some of the substantial bacterial species cannot be recovered even after the antibiotics treatment. This change is responsible for up to 43% loss of the original microbiota, which may lead to an unstable and evolving diversity of microbial communities comprising of newly acquired species or a dysbiosis that may underlie some chronic disease. More so to the fact that antibiotics destroy the brush border and the phagocytic capacity of the white blood cells especially the neutrophils.

Neutropenia is a common feature of compromised immunity especially in the presence of a chronic infection. The deficiency in antioxidants like vitamin C and co-factors particularly the B vitamins and other phytochemicals as well as the essential and/or conditionally essential nutrients affects the white cells- neutrophils and lymphocytes rendering them sluggish or dormant and not able to eat up or eliminate offending bacterial cells and viral particles.

When the reproductive apparatus become affected, reproduction is impossible and in the case of a pregnant woman, the foetus is equally affected. The consequence may include stillbirth, miscarriage, premature abortion, premature delivery and difficulty in delivery requiring a caesarean section which is quite expensive. The economic importance based on cost incurred on purchasing antibiotics and other medications including antifungal for the treatment is huge especially in cases of relapse, which is very common. Apart from the physical and chemical stress, the pain, irritation, itching among others also trigger emotional stress and deadly emotions.

In such case, probiotics become inevitable. And the right to adequate nutrition is a fundamental need and a necessity that becomes fulfilled when sufficient water and air (oxygen) is available, and all essential nutrients including essential fatty acids (EFAs: Linoleic acid and Linolenic acid), essential amino acids (EAAs) and about 30 vitamins and minerals are present in the diet accompanied by adequate rest and sleep, exercise, and fair exposure to sunlight. These are what it takes to be free and enjoy quality wellness and optimum health.

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